The Positive and Negative Aspects of Gaming
Gamers are a passionate and active group of people who love playing video games. They often form communities that support one another to make the experience more fun and rewarding. Gamers are a diverse group that comes from different backgrounds, interests, and experiences. Many people still think of gamers as pimply teen boys sitting alone in their parents’ basements, but the truth is that gaming has become more mainstream than ever.
In fact, the average gamer is over 37 years old, and women now outnumber men in this demographic. Most of us have also gotten away from the stereotype of a solitary gamer in arcades, and today’s gamers are often part of a supportive online gaming community.
Most gamers enjoy playing games for multiple reasons: to relax, exercise, have fun, socialize with friends, and challenge themselves. In addition to these recreational benefits, video games can be educational and even help people improve their job skills. For instance, playing games that involve complex puzzles can boost a person’s creativity. Additionally, many games require players to think on their feet and strategize in a fast-paced fantasy environment, which is a great way to practice problem-solving skills.
However, there are some negative aspects to gaming that should be considered. For example, excessive gaming can cause a person to become addicted and develop problems such as depression or anxiety. In addition, it can lead to a lack of sleep and exercise. Some gamers may even neglect to eat or take care of personal hygiene. In a study conducted by Schneider, King, and Delfabbro (2017), researchers found that most participants who played excessive amounts of video games reported sacrificing their other hobbies in order to game more. This included going to bed later than intended, skipping meals or eating smaller amounts of food, neglecting personal hygiene tasks such as bathing, and even ignoring physical pain in their bodies to continue gaming.
Some gamers can be extremely aggressive online and in real life. This can be a result of their feelings of powerlessness and lack of control in their lives. There are plenty of examples, both in the media and on this website, of gamers that seem to exist in a constant state of righteous anger and who spout racist, sexist, or homophobic language. Others use video games to escape from their problems and to avoid dealing with them.
The good news is that most of the negative aspects of gaming can be improved or avoided by regulating gaming to a healthy level. This involves balancing the push and pull factors that affect how much gaming is done. The push factors include the desire to play games, the ability to control gaming behavior, and the capacity to engage in other activities. The pull factors include the availability of games, the ease of access to gaming equipment and software, the appeal of games, and the ability to engage in other activities without feeling frustrated. This means that gamers must recognize the influence of these factors in their daily lives and take steps to prevent them from overdoing gaming.