Types of Gamers
Types of Gamers
A gamer is a person who plays interactive video games, tabletop role-playing games, and skill-based card games for long periods of time. Some gamers are competitive, playing for prize money, awards, and fame. Others play for entertainment. Either way, these people love to play. Here are the most common types of gamers. Listed below are just a few of them. Let’s take a closer look at each of them!
A gamer is one of the most common demographics in the United States, accounting for 1 out of every 10 people. They are people of all ages, shapes, and sizes, but they share some characteristics. The majority of gamers are highly tech savvy and are unlikely to dress appropriately or maintain good hygiene. They are antisocial in public and spend most of their free time playing video games. Gaming is their primary source of entertainment, and they are often plugged into the gaming community.
While many people engage in online gaming for a few hours a week, most gamers are more likely to play a couple hours a day, and some will engage in multiple different forms of entertainment at the same time. These include fantasy games, and hard core shooter games. These gamers are tech savvy, but they put little effort into their personal hygiene. They can also be very angry, and they are often antisocial in public.
While there is no official definition of a gamer, there are some stereotypes that are widely accepted by the public. Male gamers are more likely to call themselves a gamer than their female counterparts. Among men, 15% say they are “gamers,” while 6% of women say the same. In terms of age, 33% of men aged 18-29 say they are a gamer. These are the stereotypical types of gamers.
These stereotypes are largely based on the type of games that they play. Achievers tend to focus on accumulating points and achieving success within the game’s parameters. Explorers like to explore all aspects of a game, exposing its mechanics. Socializers prefer games for their social aspect. Beaters, meanwhile, enjoy the competition with other players. The Completionists are a mix of the Explorer and Achiever. They want to complete every aspect of a game, including the game’s storyline.
Hardcore gamers are a subset of problem gamers. They are the most competitive of all. They play games for the prize money and are highly competitive. They are the most common type of problem gamers, and can be considered antisocial in the real world. A gamer who has a gambling problem is a potential risk to themselves and others. A gambling problem can lead to a serious situation, and should be dealt with by a professional.
In a game, players are often grouped into teams or clans, depending on their level of participation. While clans are a subset of a gaming community, they may have different social and geographic affiliations. A team is a club for members of a specific type of game. These gamers may not be competitive with each other, but they might be competitive with each other in a particular area. In a competitive setting, the name of the team member determines whether they are in a team or not.