The Benefits of Gaming for Well-Being
Gaming is often perceived as a time wasting, energy draining and socially harmful pastime but, like all things, it can be used in healthy ways. Almost 3 billion people globally play video games and a number of research and initiatives are now supporting the benefits that gaming can have on well-being.
Gaming can be a fun, sociable and engaging activity that provides players with a safe space to test their resilience and overcome challenges through characters and in-game worlds. It can also be a form of stress management and relaxation, and a way to escape from the real world for a little while. For many gamers, it is one of several interests and hobbies they engage in alongside spending time with friends and family, working or studying and completing daily responsibilities.
A recent study of gaming and mental health found that the majority of gamers reported that their favourite part of gaming was being able to control the game’s settings and objectives. This sense of mastery can be a powerful tool for improving self-esteem, providing a sense of accomplishment and achievement, and promoting positive emotions.
It’s not uncommon for people who experience depression to struggle with rumination. This is a type of thinking where the person gets stuck in negative thoughts or unhelpful beliefs about themselves and their situation. These types of thoughts can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Studies show that a good way to reduce rumination is by distracting the mind with something else, such as watching TV or playing a video game. Gaming is an excellent way to do this because it is engaging, stimulating and distracting. It’s also a great way to make new connections with other gamers.
Several studies have shown that people who regularly play video games are able to think faster and more logically than those who don’t. This is because they develop areas of the brain that are responsible for problem-solving and logic. These skills can be helpful in school, work and other areas of life where these skills are needed.
Another benefit of gaming is that it improves hand-to-eye coordination. This is because many games require you to look at the enemy on the screen, keep track of your health and ammunition, and move your character all at the same time. This is a very complex task and one that can help you perform better in everyday activities such as typing or riding a bike.
Gaming can have a wide variety of benefits, but it is important to balance it with other activities and to avoid using it as a coping mechanism for depression or anxiety. If you are struggling with these symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk to a therapist and consider treatment options. If you are not yet ready to speak to a therapist, you can learn more about how gaming may be impacting your mental health by keeping a journal of your mood throughout the day. This will allow you to see how much gaming is helping and whether there are any other factors that could be contributing to your depression.