Are You a Gamer?
According to a study, gamers are on average 35 years old. This age group is more likely to purchase games than any other. The most common age group is male, with 64% of game purchase participants being men. Young people, aged 18 to 24, are the most likely to purchase games. Researchers at Earnest found that, of those who applied for student loan refinancing, 16.3% spent money on games in the past year. This number increased to 14.0% and 12.2% for people ages 25 to 29 years old.
The term “hardcore gamer” is used to distinguish different types of gamers. This group tends to spend significant amounts of time playing games and often takes more time than casual gamers. Hardcore gamers usually take more time to master the game than their counterparts, but there is no set amount of time required to become a hardcore gamer. However, if you’re looking for a real gamer, you’ll have to know a few things.
Researchers have noted that it is difficult to assess problem gaming, as the nature of the behavior is constantly changing. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches will give researchers a richer picture of what gamers experience. The study also found that participants found it difficult to track the time they spent on video games on a weekly basis. Therefore, the actual time that gamers spend on video games may be much higher than the time they report on surveys. As a result, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of the problem gaming behaviors of gamers.
The mobile game market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. Global smartphone usage is expected to surpass $100 billion dollars in 2020, and the PlayStation held 57.5% of the market in 2020. Xbox, which accounted for 42% of the global console market, was the second most popular console in 2020. This rapid growth of the mobile game market is making big game companies that make games for consoles release mobile versions of these games. This is an exciting development for gamers who wish to continue playing their favorite games on the go.